Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Monday, July 13, 2009

Old McDonald

Sometimes James and I sing a song before he goes to bed. I am a "by request" kid song machine. You name it and I will sing what I know and make up the rest. Anyhoo, last night's request was "Old McDonald Had a Farm." When we sing this, I pause at the "and on this farm he had a..." and James fills in the blank.

Here's how our little ditty went last night:

Me: and on this farm he had a....
James: Mommeeeeeee. EIEIO
Me: with a.....
James: Talk talk here and a talk talk there. Here a talk, there a talk, everywhere a talk talk.
Me: (incredulous) E.I.E.I.O.

Little rascal.