Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Sunday, April 26, 2009

KC & Missy - Spring Visit

Brian's cousin, KC and his girlfriend Missy came for a visit last weekend. No, I don't mean this weekend, LAST weekend. I am about seven days behind, people, seven days! Anyhoo, they arrived LATE in the night on Friday or maybe it was EARLY in the morning on Saturday after driving 5+ hours from NYC. As I may have mentioned previously, James is still greeting us in the morning around 5:30-6am (no, we cannot break him of this and yes, we've tried). KC woke up at 7 and at approximately 7:04am, he was doing this:

I am pretty sure that KC refers to this weekend as a "working weekend" since that's what James had him doing for 48 hours straight. We took them on the patented "Coyne Old Town Tour" (and by "patented", I mean we try to recall factual information about buildings and locations, but mostly we just tell our own versions) and James did not let KC out of his sight the entire time.

KC carried him... A LOT...

taught him how to use the rope hill at the playground...

and gave him 50 cents so he could buy his first ever lemonade stand lemonade. Here he is apparently mulling over the menu options of lemonade, lemonade or lemonade:

He decides on lemonade (huh!) and pays the sweet girl:
and guess what she gives him?!
James & Missy fed the ducks with THIS bread:
and then we went home for what I'm sure KC thought would be a break....
Nope, we have another kid!
KC doing double-duty:
Dinner on the back patio. Look at big boy James eating with the big kids at the big table!
What Old Town visit would be complete without at least SOME public transportation? 

The trolley with Missy:
and Uncle Kevin:
Molly took her usual tour... of her eyelids
and James led us all back home.
and then KC & Missy went home.



1 comment:

Rachel said...

Do you think KC and Missy would like to come tour Columbia? Where do I sign up?