Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009: AKA "I Hatched It A Little"

Easter 2009: dying eggs, easter baskets, and potty training. A perfect combination.
Not really. It's a little tough to get a toddler to sit on a potty while he's all amped up on jellybeans, but whatever.

Slippery little suckers...

The loot. Please note that Molly has received her first (and only) pony at the age of 10 weeks.
Past the Thomas train, past the moon sand, past the kite and STRAIGHT to the jellybeans.

Sorry about this end shot (pun intended) - as I mentioned, we (and I mean WE) are potty training so pardon the Mickey Mouse underwear....
Translation for the end of this video: James drops the egg and it cracks and he says, "oops, I hatched it a little."

1 comment:

GGrandma Honey said...

I have to hand it to you Steph, a five star Mom. How many moms would let a not yet three year old dye his own eggs?
Yea for the training. This fellow is so sharp it won't take long before he will say "that's enough with the training pants,I am a big boy now".