Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm Alive!

I MAY have spoiled you all by updating this blog so often.... I will NOT take this time to remind you all that I do have a newborn (8 weeks tomorrow!) who spits up so much that she and I both go through about 3-5 wardrobe changes every day and a toddler that rises at 6am and runs (literally) nonstop until he (blissfully) goes to bed at night so my days are a little, shall we say "touch and go." OK, there, I did it anyway.

We are all well and BUSY. Last week, I threw James & Molly in the car and drove seven hours to visit my GREAT friend Rachel and her kids in Columbia, SC. You may remember them from our adventures in Florida while Brian was away...

Strawberry picking at the world's most unfriendly farm...

Huffing and puffing our way through the streets of Seaside, FL pushing something like 150lbs of toddlers in a surrey!

...and countless hours at the beach. 
Boys in the hole!

We came back from our SC adventures on Friday and I am still playing catch up.

I promise to post soon!

1 comment:

Grandma Honey said...

What did you do with Molly? I didn't see her anywhere on the trip. Did you leave her at a coffee stop?

You always do a great job and I am sorry for the spit ups but you will soon realize she is worth all the laundry and more. James is so advanced show him how to do the laundry. That should keep him busy even if you have multicolored everything. I was concerned so thanks for the update.