Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ha! Caught you!

That's right. I caught you. Checking this blog to see if I have done a post for today?? Even though I claim to be a multi-tasker - I am not at the hospital, in labor, writing a blog post. It would seem that my guess of a January 20 birth date might be wrong. Boo. Hiss.

I did get a pedicure yesterday in the hopes that the pedicurist (?) would rub me into contractions - no such luck.

I scrubbed the kitchen floor this morning because my grandma says that put her in labor three times in a row - no such luck.

And yesterday we walked the entire Pentagon City Mall (huge, 4 stories) and all that resulted in was me eating my weight in Auntie Annie's pretzels.

So, stay tuned folks. I'm sure I will have this baby eventually.


Stephanie said...

Ahh, you caught me...I was checking in on you to see how you're doing. I hope you're doing well, though ready to have the littel bugger. Any day now, I suppose. I'll keep checking back! Best of luck!

Boomer and Jackie said...

and I was watching the inauguration just to see if it was going to be held up by some crazy lady having a baby in the middle of the mall!

Abby said...

Can't wait for pictures!

Susannah said...

2 things - Eminem and Szechuan Chicken.

Emily said...

The baby is holding out until the 26th just so I can be right for once. :) Enjoy your last weekend of being pregnant!