Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Nesting Instinct

No, not me... James. So here is the very nice bed we have provided for James. 

It used to be his crib and has been converted into a toddler bed for months now. It was a gift from Brian's parents and we thank them very much since it is so nice and sturdy, it will last through two kids. Now, it may be this nice and sturdy because JAMES REFUSES TO SLEEP ON IT. If you look closely at the photo below, you will see the "nest" where James sleeps every night - right next to the bed.

Here is a closer look at the nest. James does this all on his own after we put him to bed. This particular evening's nest consists of: one sleeping bag, two blankets made by his Aunt Natalie and Great Aunt Judi, the seat cushion from the glider, one overturned toddler armchair, one actual pillow (used as a blanket), and one giant teddy bear used for a pillow. And although we cannot see it here, I assure you he is also sleeping ON TOP of at least two trucks and one random toy like a yo-yo or a pair of binoculars.

BUT, if he sleeps like this for 10 hours a night, then who are we to complain?


Rachel said...

Oh, James- you darling boy. You make me laugh so much! Do you have your giraffe rain boots on while you are alseep? 5 bucks says you do!

Angela said...

So, I am guessing he won't be too upset when it comes time to give the crib to the baby? You should set up a hidden camera in his room, I would love to see him in there building his "nest."