Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall Weekend, Part Two

So, as I was saying.... James "got into" preschool last week and even though he hadn't even attended one class yet (he starts tomorrow!), they welcomed us with open arms and invited us to their annual Pumpkin Patch Night last Saturday. Although this pumpkin patch did not have "giant slides" as James kept requesting, they did have great campsites, a fun hay ride (with actual hay) and an actual patch in which to pick your pumpkin. 

Here is how happy James was with his pick:

One minor hitch in our giddy-up was that all of the kids were going to wear their costumes. James has a costume (stay tuned), but we didn't really feel like it was pumpkin patch appropriate. So, he went as a... zoo keeper? safari guide? kid who has too many earth-toned clothes? Lucky for us, these giraffe boots seem to be useful in any season, rain or shine or pumpkin patch.

Please note that this is the beginning of the evening and James has 6 animals in his jacket.
Here we are maybe 20 minutes later. James is trying out his first toasted marshmallow and now he is down to 2.James' first introduction to s'mores: It's obviously a genetic mutation, but he doesn't like them. Brian and I looked sad for about 10 seconds and then just inhaled them ourselves.

The pumpkin "patch" was in a great fenced-in area with lush grass. Each kid was to pick one. James, of course, picked two and couldn't decide which one to add to our ever-growing pumpkin population at home. (please note: just one sad little giraffe remains in the zoo that is James' jacket.)
After considering each, the coloring, the stem size and ??? - really, what IS the difference between these two? Only a toddler would know, I guess. Finally,  James chooses.

And just how do these pumpkins grow right here in this lush grass with no weeds, no vines and no garden bugs?? They grow in a bin on a forklift, of course. I don't know if it was planned, but the forklift guy let each kid sit on the seat and "drive."

The hayride back to our car was so authentic, I think I will go back when I want to hurry along my labor.

Boy, do we love Fall.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love the picture at the end- Norman Rockwell, eat your heart out.

Hope James' first day at preschool is a huge success!!!