Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Weekend, Part Three (the final installment)

Well, lookee here. It's already the NEXT weekend and I haven't even finished telling you about LAST weekend.

So, aaaanywaaaay...last weekend was the Shenandoah Balloon & Wine Festival about one hour away. I have been looking forward to this for months because I just knew the weather would be perfect, the leaves would be changing color at exactly the right time and that there would be lots of sprawling hills for James to run/roll/slide down. Really, I got lucky on all of that - it was beautiful! The weather was perfectly sunny and crisp and while they didn't have much for a 2 yr old tike, he did love the hills... and the horses... and the Kettle Corn. OK, we all loved the Kettle Corn - James was lucky to get even one kernel.

So, there was talk the entire time about the wind - was there enough for the balloons? too much? too late? I could go on. Apparently, when you decide that the conditions are just right, you launch your balloon RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the festival. This big ReMax balloon was about 10 feet from us and as it was being inflated (?), it would roll from side to side, partially crushing those underneath. Good times.

It's quite a process to get one of these big guys in the air. Here's how James occupied himself while we waited:

And here is a still shot of that taken by Uncle Kevin with his fancy dancy camera. I must say, this is how it feels to be James' mommy about 90% of the time. The other 10% is when he is sleeping.

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