Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On The Road Again

I think James is one trip away from knowing every rest stop on the southeast corridor. Last weekend Brian went white water rafting with Kevin and so James and I did what we always do... we packed our bags and hit the road. To North Carolina.

An apology to our North Carolina friends..... there are so many of you! I just can't seem to see everyone in one trip so apparently, I am working alphabetically. This weekend: Bruce, Elliott-Adams, Bridges. Vitiello - hang in there... maybe spring? 

Here's James BANGING on a piano at Scotty & Chris' house:

and here's Scotty just letting him do it and pretending it sounds good.....

Most of the weekend was spent with the Bruces and James' future bride: Virginia. On this morning, I was trying to pack and strip the bed and get ready and I convinced them to "get cozy" and watch some cartoons. I hope this is the last time we see a picture like this for a long time.... like when they're 40.

I must admit I am one of those parents who cringes at the thought of Play-doh. Our good friends, the Bridges don't cringe at anything so they set up this little picnic table in their kitchen and let the boys play for hours. Note for the grandparents: please do not send us any play-doh - as far as James knows, the only place that has Play-doh is the Bridges and I'd like to keep it that way for a while.

When they weren't squeezing fluorescent pink clay into tiny holes (including their ears) the boys were racing dump trucks and screaming in a decibel only toddlers can.

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