Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Saturday, December 19, 2009

G Dub Lives!

You may remember this guy from halloween 2008:

Well, my neighbor remembered. She serves on the board for Gadsby's Tavern (of George Washington drinking fame) and they are trying to refurbish an old ice well. To get the word out, they signed up to do the Scottish Christmas Walk Parade and she asked if James, as George, could join them. "Sure!", I said. And as the day got closer and the weather report got scarier, we still said, "Sure!"

Because of the rain and SNOW, Brian and Molly drove James and I to the start of the parade about 8 blocks from our house. And then two VERY bad things happened:

#1 James stepped in two rain puddles making his feet into little toddler ice cubes.
#2 The parade started and Brian wasn't allowed back down our street or anywhere near our house. He had no jacket and Molly was in bare feet. (we had a plan!)

James actually did quite well until the hypothermia set in. At the beginning of the parade, he was waving to both sides of the street and posing for pictures. Then his feet started to turn numb and he set up shop in the wagon, covered in a blanket.

Here he is, getting pelted by snow:

And here's where he decided he was miserable:

and here he is, done with the parade:

I had to carry him, crying, 4 blocks to where Brian and Molly were waiting for us in the car. Luckily, Bran was so mad about the parking situation that the steam coming out of his ears kept us all warm.


Anonymous said...
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Angela said...

What a patriot!

lisa said...

Poor James! What a trooper though!

Grandma Honey said...

Gatsby's should have a large print of the brave George Washington for this demensration of cooperation. James is a trooper and will have this event to remember even if he won't remember the cold wet feet or the efforts of his Mom to ease his pain.
Three cheers for James & Mom.