Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Love This Man

Please, a moment, to profess my love for Brian. He is a great husband, father and friend. He is honest and doting and crazy smart. And he is brave. I love him most for that. Not because he is this kind of brave:

but because he is this kind of brave:

This is a pic of Brian trapping the SECOND (second!) BAT we found flying around our house on Friday night/Saturday morning. 
Yes, a real bat. 
No, not a bird. 
A big, brown, hairy, scary bat. 
It's 2am and Brian has trapped a bat in a cardboard wipes box (thank you CostCo) with a smile on his face.

The first bat was found flying around our living room/dining room around 10:30pm. I immediately holed myself up in our room while Brian chased it around the house eventually closing it in the first floor playroom. He drove our car around to the alley, went in the back door and trapped it in a diaper box (thank you CostCo). I am up in our room, towel under the door crack, frantically searching "how to get rid of bats" on my phone. Turns out, most websites say, "do not chase the bat around your house or try to trap it in any way." Ha!

Here's Bat #1: making a temporary home on our A/C intake screen.

And here's us releasing bat #1 on our back patio:

Shortly after this, Molly woke up and was having a stuffy nose/can't eat/can't sleep kind of night so I took her into the living room and finally got her to sleep. Around 2am, I woke up to the sound of bat wings knocking into our walls, windows, and light fixtures. ANOTHER BAT! I could not believe it. I made a break for it, ran upstairs to Brian (with a blanket over my head), and announced the arrival of bat #2.

More chasing. More trapping. More panic on my part.

Bat #2 was released around 3am. James woke up at 4am with the following bad dream:
"I had a bad dream! I fell in the toilet and Daddy flushed me!" (earlier that day, James did fall in the toilet and Brian did flush a bug) so Brian laid down with him until morning.

Needless to say, between the six of us (Brian, me, James, Molly and the two bats), we got about two hours of sleep that night so we called for back up. Kevin (yea Kevin!) came over last night and not only did he and Brian seal up the hole we suspect was the bat entry point, but he slept in the living room all night on "bat watch."

As I type this at 7am, I am happy to report that we are bat-free.


lisa said...

too funny!! I thought you had posted some sweet sentiment on Memorial Day...

Anonymous said...

We used to live in an old tudor house when I was a kid....many bats because of the trees outside. My dad got so good on bat watch that he kept a tennis racket by the bed and as the bat was flying around the bedroom, he just whacked it. No mercy at our house!!! One or more less bats in the world was okay with me!
p.s. I do remember my sister and I screaming in the bathroom.

Grandma Honey said...

Oh my goodness. I would be more in a panic then you. I love all kinds of animals but bats and rats are why up there on the scale of causing me to hyper. I probably would have locked and sealed the door to James' room and then seal Molly & Me in her room. I agree Brian is brave in many ways. TGFK too.

AFJ said...

Ugh. Bats.

And BACK UP to the pic of Brian in his uniform...holy cow! I don't know how he can stand up straight with all that bling (medals) on his chest! Has he saved some lives I don't know about?

Emily said...

I seriously wet my pants...the pic of Brian...the bat almost eating your family! It is all too much. I can't even go to bed now I am so disturbed by it all.

Unknown said...

brian, the sigh at the end of the video is priceless. good work.

Rachel said...

Wow! Just wow...

Susannah said...

Holy Moly Mother of Mary! Is this part of the haunted Alexandria tour that goes by your house?

I love the big poking device in the video. Reminds me of Friends and the ugly fat dead naked guy. And the sigh at the end is GREAT!

We're headed to Epcot, but this post may have been the best entertainment of the day!