Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Themed Outings

and continuing with our theme of death and dying (so appropriate for a toddler!)... Monday was the George Washington Birthday Celebration parade approximately one half block from our house (so appropriate for a newborn!). Brian's parents were in town, Uncle Kevin made his way over and we stood out in the cold waving at every school board member, clown and shriner that passed. Mysteriously, there was no George Washington, which made me think that I should have thrown James in his Halloween costume and made him walk the parade route.

So here we are waiting for the start of the parade. Please note Molly sleeping through the parade in her plastic bubble stroller seat... She didn't even stir when 40 Revolutionary Army soldiers simultaneously shot their guns about 5 feet from us. Brian's mom, however, jumped into the next time zone.

Here is James giving daddy "earmuffs" - so helpful!

and that brings me to death.... This car passed and James said, "that looks like my hearse!" (he has a matchbox car that is a hearse - no, he does not know what a hearse is used for)...

but this is what was hanging on the side....

Spot on, my son, spot on.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Look at you guys...all on the go and historical and stuff. I'm impressed, very impressed.