Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break 2011

I know I don't need to tell you this, but I am SO behind on this blog. My excuse is as follows: we are too busy LIVING life for me to stop and write about it.

If you know me at all, you know I have my hand in half a dozen projects at any given time. I am selling Stella & Dot, sewing clothes for Molly, organizing baby showers, buying a house, and planning 5 year old's birthday parties at Disneyworld to name a few. I won't even bore you with the VAST amount of laundry that has to be done in this house because Molly insists on changing her clothes five times a day, a fun little habit she learned from James!

Anyhoo, I am not going to be able to do justice to our FUN trip to Florida in this post. We had a GREAT time with Oma and Opa and the week went by too quickly..... Oma and Opa - my apologies for not gushing more... did I mention the laundry?

Here's our first stop in Somewhere, GA - great sandwich shop with a serious cookie display:

We spent the night in Orlando, where the kids shared a room for the first time. We fell asleep to the following:
Molly: James? James. James! Read me a book!
James: Oh, Molly. OK, just one book.
Molly: Another! Another!
James: Molly, I have to get some sleep! Last book.

Then off to Sea World the next day to meet up with our friends, the Carvers.

This is one of those see-through floors with fish underneath.
Personally, I think Molly took it a bit too far, but whatever.
Requisite Shamu pic....

James first "big coaster" ride....
and then to Oma & Opa's.
Molly spent several hours in this swing.....

and, of course, to the beach!

The next day was Brian's birthday and since he's been on an exercise kick as of late, I got him a 50-minute personal training session at The Breakers. In order to eat at their restaurants, you have to be a guest or both be using services at the spa. Thus, I was FORCED to get a pedicure. I could literally see Brian sweating on an elliptical trainer while I sipped coffee and read magazines. Bwah ha ha ha.

Here we are at lunch afterwards. Lunch I EARNED by getting a pedicure...

Inside the fancy Breakers....

Then out on the water in Opa's boat!

Jupiter Lighthouse

Another day at the beach....

Last dinner...

We stopped in Leesburg, FL to stay one night with our friends the Bridges. Heather wasn't with us as she is deployed to Turkey with her reserve unit until June, but Chris was doing a great job holding down the fort with three boys under the age of 6. We were impressed too until Chris started revealing his secrets to success: the nanny, the cook, the maid, and he lives next door to his parents. ; )

the kids getting ready to walk to Chris' parents house for a swim....

One little eensy weensy stop at Ikea for a new couch and five things we don't need and then we were home!

Playdate anyone?

Really, bring your kid here at their own risk. Honestly, they are not in good hands. I am not a daycare. I have no licensing. I am a stay at home mom and you don't even have to pass a verbal exam for that.

I will, on any given day, release your child into my backyard with a can of paint (kid's paint, thank you - give me SOME credit) and say, "Have fun! Let me know if you need anything." and then lock, I mean close, the door.

Chances are when you pick up your kid, they will look like this:

You're welcome.
Y'all come back now, ya hear?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Medal

I (I!) signed us up for a one mile fun run at our new grocery store - Earth Fare. It's a whole foods-organic-no high fructose corn syrup kind of place. Truth be told, I don't care about any of that - I just like the enormous deli, cheese selection, and the fact that they are always sending me coupons for FREE things. Like a giant organic chicken. FREE.

So, when they announced a 5K/one mile fun run, I THOUGHT, "oooh, I bet there will be lots of yummy food at the finish line...." I also THOUGHT that Brian would run with James and I would sip my coffee (organic, of course) while Molly and I waited at the finish line, and I THOUGHT I might get a free t-shirt.

Somewhere during our 5 minute ride to the store, James got all amped up about actually doing the race. Like really running in it. We had the stroller with two seats and I'm pretty sure I've run further than a mile to catch an airplane, so I said, "sure buddy, why not?" PLUS, I knew there would be yummy wholesome food at the end.

Here's James (facing the wrong way) at the starting line:

Long story short (ha ha), James barely made it out of the parking lot (like 40 feet) when he asked, "can I ride in the stroller and you guys run and also, can I get the medal at the end?"

So, there we were. Brian and I, pushing 70 pounds of ungratefulness one mile around a shopping center. All they had were organic oranges, bananas and water at the end, my shirt doesn't fit, and I couldn't walk upright for two days.

BUT, James and Molly DID get medals. Really, they are the best stroller riders ever. Truly award winning.