Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Picky Eater No Longer

On the last day of our trip to Snowmass (last mention of it, I swear!), we went out to lunch and found ourselves begging, cajoling, and negotiating with James to get him to eat some chicken nuggets. CHICKEN. NUGGETS. Oh, what horrible parents - asking him to eat such gruel!

I decided right there (and said aloud), "we are done with James' special meals." The day we got home, I started making one dinner - for all of us. I figured we'd likely spend just as much time getting him to eat a crab cake or pork tenderloin as we would anything else...

And so this brings us to night #2:

James: (referring to a piece of rotini pasta with a bit of spinach and broccoli on it):

"Can someone please get this vitamin off my noodle?"

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