Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Decorating the Tree

First, a big shout out to my patient husband who survived another year of "Steph's Tree Lighting Ritual/Rules/Strategy/Dictatorship." This involves lighting the tree "at the base" meaning at least one strand of lights as close to the trunk as possible in order to provide a nice backlight for the ornaments. I HATED this ordeal when I was growing up because it took forever and I just wanted to hang that crazy silver tinsel on the tree (the last step), but my mom always stuck with it and it was always worth it. Try it. I promise it will change your tree, your ornaments, and possibly your marriage.

Now, because he's only 3 feet tall, we did the lights, but then we put James right back to work - decorating the tree. Here he is hanging his first ornament:

He took to it with a seriousness very similar to his baking - lots of heavy breathing and lots of focus on one area. Please note my 33 week belly almost (almost!) camouflaged by my shirt matching the window.
Then Pa and I settled in for a long winter's nap on the couch while James went to work with his basket of ornaments. Periodically, one of us would open our eyes long enough to shout, "Spread them out. Spread them out!"

Although I did not catch it on video - Brian is my witness - James actually said this: "Welllllll, this is a pretty tree. Thanks guys."

And, of course, then the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Coming up next: James wraps his own gifts.... (just kidding) 

1 comment:

Angela said...

You know, we still have problems with the boys hanging ornaments all in one spot, but now we have a Madeline, and that model likes to remove all ornaments. So, the end result is quite balanced. Sorta.