Ladies and Gentlemen... allow me to introduce the band....
On the Plastic Toolkit/Drums: Uncle Kevin
This genius "instrument" plays short little ditties when you turn the cogs. Uncle Kevin added a new element by also making it a drum.
On the Middle Eastern Wooden Hippo Doorstopper/Guitar: James
I mean, really, a guitar solo, dance moves AND vocals? It's obviously musical genius.
Song: The "smile" song. This is a little song we sing when we are trying to get James to smile for pictures. Apparently, it has stuck.
Lyrics: "smile! smiiiiile! smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile! smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile!" sung in octaves only meant for dogs....
About the Band: As many of you may know, Uncle Kevin was IN A BAND in his younger days. We have pictures...