Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Proof is in the Pictures

First I would like to say "thanks" for all the kind words that have been pouring in.... "you hardly look pregnant!" "You don't look pg at all!" and my personal favorite from our new (and fabulous) babysitter, "You don't look pregnant at all. It just looks like you ate a big burrito for lunch." Seriously. She said that.

BUT, clearly you are all lying (except the babysitter). The proof is in the pictures. Here I am at 21 weeks pregnant with James:

And here I am at 17 weeks pregnant with what is obviously the biggest baby ever. Please note the use of the exact same pair of black pants for a true comparison:

All that being said, I am feeling great and I think the exhaustion is behind me. But please, no more comparisons to the size of my belly and what I might have eaten for lunch...


Rachel said...

You look great! Seriously! And thank you for wearing ther same black pants. You are nothing if not thorough.

Emily said...

The truth is out! You are an adorable pregnant woman. Thank the stars that you are past the "did she eat a big burrito for lunch?" stage!