Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

In my opinion, every Sunday is "Mother's Day" around here because that is my day to sleep in. In reality, James wakes at 6am (or earlier), pounds down to our room, climbs in our bed, and snuggles (which consists of him squirming all around and saying "want to go downstairs yet?" every five minutes). So, by the time Brian takes him downstairs, I am up. I choose to spend my sleep-in day reading, working, or updating this blog.

Weeks ago, Brian took it upon himself to bring me coffee while I was "sleeping in" and now he can't stop. So, that's how Mother's Day started. Loved it.

We went out to lunch, and then we were off to my favorite DC museum, the Hirshorn. It's all kinds of modern art and quiet people - perfect location to take our hoodlums....

Here they are being on their "best behavior" for Mother's Day....

James did have one calm moment:

but most of the trip was him doing this and us shout-whispering, "stop running!"

OK, one nice pic before leaving...

Happy Mother's Day to me.

1 comment:

Grandma Honey said...

As soon as James starts going down stairs by himself and leaves you sleeping you will worry just what he will get into- like making your breakfast all by himself. Oh I will clean if up Mommy will be his reply. Wonderful photos of your day with fasmily. God bless you all.