Steph & Brian

Steph & Brian
Tuscany 2005


age 6


almost 4

Thursday, October 23, 2008

First Day of School

We interrupt this riveting tale of "Our Fall Weekend" (part 3 is coming)... to announce James' FIRST DAY OF PRESCHOOL. He only had one tiny moment of hesitation when we got to the classroom and his teacher, Ms. Taryn greeted him and then I said, "aren't you ready to play with the toys and books?" and I didn't see him again for three hours. When I greeted him when school was over, he made it very clear that he was not interested in coming home with me (aka, boring old mom) so we are calling the day a SUCCESS.

(please note that James' lunch bag is half the size of his entire body)

According to James, here's how his day went:
"The yellow marker didn't work."
"The paper was green."
"We read about a big red chicken."
"Chickens say bok bok."

We've just returned from Back to School Night (wow, lots of events at this school) and it turns out James' class MADE BREAD. They made actual bread! With yeast and flour and an oven and our kid comes home with, "the yellow marker didn't work." I can only imagine what he won't be telling us in high school.

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